Monday, April 12, 2010

2 Buckets of Seaweed to go Please

Have you ever noticed as soon as the warm weather comes around there are more walkers, runners, and baby carriages out strolling around? I love winter walks but we all wait for summer. It's great to see people out exercising and taking some time for themselves. It's something I propose doing more of.

So tonight we strolled through the village of our small town by the sea. The weather was perfect...warm and sunny, with a light southern breeze. The sweet sounds of song birds here and there with the smell of blooming spring flowers everywhere.

As we turned the corner onto Summer Street there was a women on her hands and knees spreading a thick dark, wet looking substance on her garden? As we got closer we realized it was seaweed. It reminded me of one of my Father's great organic gardening tips..."when you leave the beach bring a couple of buckets of seaweed home" is what he would say. He would use it as top dressing in the vegetable's a super mulcher, it protects the garden soil from the hot summer heat, and the seaweed covering keeps the weeds down. But, best of all the seaweed shares it's rich mineral's with the vegetable plants so you know your growing the most nutritious fruits and vegetables.

If you're not near the sea to harvest a bit of seaweed...there is a company in Gloucester, Massachusetts called Neptune’s Harvest. Neptune’s Harvest is an organic fertilizer company. They sell all kinds of wonderful potions...all organic and very easy to use. I discovered them a few years ago online...I was looking for an organic solution to de-bug our uwanamus bush... she had contracted an aphid problem...but there was no way we were losing her to some tiny bugs. I called and talked to Ann at Neptune's Harvest...she suggested the Fish and Seaweed fertilizer...she said "you'll be pleased"...I love that her products are 100% organic. She said "there's always an organic solution when gardening".

As we continued our stroll through the village enjoying the warm setting sun on our short sleeved arms...we turned the corner down a small side street...both of our eyes wide open...a large white truck was parked in front of our neighbors drive way...we were shocked...a chemical company spraying our neighbors lawn. I knew our neighborhood was far as lush green lawns are concerned but...we couldn't believe that in this day and age of "organics" and "going green" people are still spraying chemicals on their lawns and gardens.

Tomorrow before our early morning stroll, I'm going to leave a bottle of Neptune's Harvest Fish and Seaweed fertilizer on our neighbors back porch with a little note "compare this bottle of organic fertilizer to what the truck of chemicals cost." (One bottle of Fish and Seaweed will keep their lawn green and lush all summer long.) We have been using it for 2 seasons with great success.

Let's all save a little money while taking care of our yards and gardens organically...purchasing organic garden products just feels right. The next time you stroll into your garden supply shop...ask for the organic version for whatever is on your list. Your neighbors will thank you...and so will the honey bees.

Happy green strolling.

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